Tuesday, July 31, 2007


You know what I find most interesting thing about creation?  I think it has to be the idea of actually creating something.
When God created something, that's just it, he made something from scratch, without any reference point at all.  It's insane.  Humans are very limited when it comes to creating things.  First there is the limitation of creating matter, hardest of all to do and easiest to prove.  Next we have the creation of non matter, like an invention or an idea.  We are unable to do that as well.  Can you actually think of a new color without mixing others?  Can we come up with the wheel without first seeing the rock roll down the hill.  Can you invent something without borrowing ideas from other things.  No, it's simply impossible.  We as humans are not able to create anything at all, we can invent, we can build upon, we can form theory's by throwing facts and hypothesis together, but only God can create.  The human race's knowledge is based upon building on facts, which have been proven.  
Perhaps this might have all sounded crazy, but look into it yourself, can you actually create something without borrowing an idea from something else?
In light of that I think we owe God our humbleness.

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