Thursday, December 21, 2006
life love christ-mass
Time, doesn't anyone have the time right now? Why do we spend our days building cash flow and getting stuff? Don't we have anything else better to do?
But wait isn't life all about getting stuff and having fun? Isn't the pursuit of happiness the gift of God, to us, for our pleasure, and were supposed to just have fun.
I hate this season and I love it at the same time.... don't you?
So, with that Merry Christ-mass
lets keep it like that, and really focus on the meaning.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Making sense of Hell and Gods 'judgment'.

I found myself just thinking about hell today, not only because we were covering it in class but because, it's just something I spend time to think about. I'm going to try and show how God in the Christian sense can be thought of as good, yet still have people going to Hell. I find it interesting when people talk about God being bad because he sends people to Hell. Have they ever thought about it for a long time? have they really even entertained the thought? or is it some push over reason to say no to God, any Christians who are pushy bigots 7/8Th's of the time. But we need to look at this question, is God good? Does he send us to Hell? The worlds view of hell is a fiery vast place where your burned forever in torment. The thing to remember here is that throughout the bible fire is used as a symbol for judgment. Most people when talking about Hell view it as a place where people are sent to be punished for their wrong deeds, or are forced to go. The Christian view that I understand is that we are not forced to go at all, and if there is any choosing of where were going, it's up to us. Let us presume the teachings of the bible, God is purely good, and only good, he can not tolerate evil in the least. Lets take me, i've sinned, and I still view myself as a good person, but God can't be with me. If I walk around saying I hate Gordon, he's an ass, do you think gordon will want to be my friend? No of course not, and it's the same with me, even if God views me as a fairly good person, i'm still going around half the time saying I hate God (this is why we try to sin less so we say I HATE God less) and his desire for me to be perfect, but, I do have the ability to be perfect. Yet, I'm not perfect. However God will forgive all that, isn't it interesting. There is only one unforgivable sin, and that is blaspheming against the spirit. Or in normal language, not accepting God (which includes Jesus[but how can you acknowledge someone if you have never heard of him? God judges us on our knowledge of him, He is in nature too.]) for who he is... Hell is separation from God, and that is only because we reject him. So he honors our choice and lets us leave him. Of course I believe this is the absolute worst thing that there ever could be, but to those who don't like God, it's not so bad right. It is after all only getting what we want right? Some people believe that God eventually turns around and accepts everyone. well I don't think this is right, manly because it's not giving the people what they want, which is what God promised us. Let us suppose that God loves us, now in human terms sometimes loving someone means letting them do harm to themselves. Normally this is to teach themselves a lesson and is controlled. But God is love, were not perfect at all. Gods love is pure, that means he loves us with an inconceivable amount of love which never ends, so when God gave us a choice he loved us so much as to let us actually make it. Not just make it and then have Him turn around and stop us from choosing the "wrong" one. He loves us so much as to respect our choice even if it means our destruction or painful death in the dessert or by flames or anything. He promised to give us a choice and he will carry our choice out for us. But don't just think that, God loves us, and so to send us away to hell is probably harder on him then us seeing that he knows everything about us and loves us. Isn't that something crazy?
But, truly amazing!
Perhaps I sound a little lovy dovy, perfect fuzziness, cute God, but I am deathly scared of Hell. I'm just trying to explain this so God is seen as loving, not some tyrant, but who's going to say to God, you can't do ____ to me! What right do we have to say that? And, what less do we deserve but Hell.
God's one thing for us is to love him, recognize his presence, and to become a friend... more then a friend, a lover, and being who is to join in perfect unity and companionship forever.
Monday, December 4, 2006
The worst of any and all things
Bringing loneliness, desperation
O The questions filling our souls,
where do we or any belong here
Damned to flames of destruction
Our hearts to experience,
a very worst of anything
Release found in suicide
No longer needing to feel
Suicide of our many hearts
Crying out into empty space
To never feel, kill one thing
The only thing that is true
That will truly ever matter
Damned to the flames of destruction
Our heart’s being burnt forever ever
The scar left over never truly healing
Damned to the flames of destruction
We imprisoned our own souls
The flames that burn we feed
With our hatred they’ll grow
Our souls, screaming children
Shouting, shrieking, bawling
Horror of our own deeds
Our friends turning away
Off to torture their owns
Brevity is our life of pain
Can we ever in all the world
know why we commit suicide
Hangings of our own souls
Murder of our own hearts
Suicide of one importance.
Over the distances fathom
A great truth of immensity
Kill our souls for numbness
Lack of feeling, shuffle on
Without sensation we can’t focus
No longer must we search for it
An answer, simple without feeling
We get to fall back into the bliss
Making the decision of indecision
That will never save us
Nor will it save our souls
We do meet death finally
With killing, child within
Hate filling our large hole
What shall we say to Him
We will fall we can’t stand
Only souls left in the end
Experiencing what we did
If we did never kill
What would we know
Would life continue
We to be one with him
Sunday, December 3, 2006
meant to be sent
This, my life, a hollow end to nothing.
empty, my soul, air does not fill me up
At a loss, I cry out, words on the winds
seems they to carry my thoughts away
not where they were meant to be sent.
- Breath slowly,
- take air in,
- let it out.
- control your thoughts, emotions.
- breath in again,
- focus your thoughts, emotions,
- breath out.
- be at peace.
sailing on the wind, powerful feelings surround.
bright sunshine on my face, who cares of me?
A pen in air, writing your thoughts, only good
Beauties come from that pen on to the papers.
sky blue, grass green, palms, birds, butterflies.
turning there are dark clouds,death, judgment
there is a wind and the hateful evil stack whisks.
fire quickly consumes them and beauty returns
where are the good papers, they also are gone.
a voice on the winds calling to me to listen to it.
these stacks do not matter,if they had you would die.
mostly from all the grief, but that's besides the point.
what really matters is how you had responded to him
the one who controls that pen, paper, wind, and fire.
The one who may or may no be your best friend.
It's not about sides, Don't we get it yet?
When we look at this world what do we see? Beauty love compassion peace good stillness, lust anger greed war hate evil. When we look at this world what do we see? Do you see what I see, do you see love hope evil yet good coming after, death but life at the same time. Or do you see death with no end, hate with no end, life that ends without hope, science that points to nothing that matters, desperation of men trying to fix their spot in heaven?
When I see that world, I see the life in it as under an evil spell, which some day will be lifted and revealed to be the effect of all our evil deeds. I see a purpose in life not just to live right but to live right because you personally know who created this world. I don't live doing good things to prove any worthiness to some god so he will accept me, what kind of god would ever want to do that anyway, would you? I do good because I know Him, and what a blessing it is to do good. When I see death I see enlightenment of a soul burdened with hate and love in the same heart, and whether that heart bears love or hate for Him determines where that soul will go. But here's the thing, God does not punish us for our sins, the "judgement" we get is our own decision, and we either have chosen to love God and his ways or hate God and his ways. If we hate God, then we don't want to be with him, and that is what Hell is, simply the separation of our souls from God. Let us remember that. God only carries out our choices, and that is with Great saddness in his big heart.
years and probabilities
If there is a God, you can do away of all those numbers because with a divine power numbers mean nothing. At least when you have a god who created everything you don't have to believe in something that existed all by it'self for eternity and then believe that by chance we became who we are by mutations of the slightest degree over time.