today ?
today ?
Where is that good old desire...
Why do people say that life is unfair, what gives them that idea?
People have said that life is a strange thing, now that is of course true, but why?
Why is life strange? why is desire for fairness strange or weird?
Isn't it weird that trees grow up instead of out?
And that beaches are really just fish pooh?

Isn't it weird that some trees grow flowers and some don't?
Or why they do at all... And why do most plants grow flowers?

Why don't we ever ponder these things? Sure, we know plants make flowers so bees come, but which came first the plant or the bee? Which plant suddenly decided to make flowers, and which bee became the first to inspect a flower for food? When did that food start to be produced for the bees?
I'm just saying, sure we know the science of these things, we know how they work. Great, so now we can use them, but knowing what something does never really truly explains it's own existence. Why is it here? The tree, for example is here to, well, be here, it has no real purpose, so why does it want to keep living? What gives it a desire to live that makes it fight off viruses and other things, or develop thorns over centuries? Does it feel pain? If not, why? If it does, that's terrible.
So where does desire come from?
No matter how much we may believe in evolution or not, there is no place in it for the creation of desire, neither the desire for food, or the desire for sleep, or the desire of anything, even the desire for life. We must remember that the desire to stay alive must have been present in the very first cell, otherwise it would not stay alive. To desire to keep on living can't be created by evolution. The cell wanting to stay alive would be a decision of conciousness, that first cell would not feel concious, nor would it have a brain to even think about desire. Seeing that pain is the response of our bodies to protect itself, which is in itself a desire, it is impossible to create. It is impossible for pain to exist, yet it does. A created machine can't have desire to keep itself from damage unless it is pre-programed to do it. and it can never create that because it has no ability to rationalize or think. The desire of self preservation is impossible to be self-created. Even a little program in a cell (the very beginnings of thought) can't be created because it would be useless for a long time before it did anything at all, and evolution is the slow advance by small steps, but all the steps have to be immediately useful each step... to that "yes or no" mechanism, for the beginnings of thought, would always be weeded out. Remember that it is a step by step thing, not a number of steps by a number of steps. so a thinking machine couldn't be created, only a thinking part, needing the rest of the machine to fully operate. Which means that the thinking part would be weeded out. Now, not only is it impossible to start wanting to live, but it is also impsooible to get a "brain" to even think about wanting to live.
What i'm trying to say is that desire to live can't be created by a being, a being can't be mutated to be able to desire anything, and that deisre really should not exist.
It all comes down to, what came before such and such. if desire is not created by us, or our so called ancestors, then where did it come from. The idea of desire is simple to us thinking beings, but try coming up with desire without the ability to think.
So where does desire come from?
Even the most simplest of desires?

Funny how a flower looks so pretty,
I'm sorry if you got lost in this, when I was working on it last night
half of it got deleted, so I had to try and tie my arguments back together with very little time on my hands.
Perhaps a weird thing like intelligence.
Hey, just wanna tell you that I really like your thoughts. Did I tell you I was reading the book called, "Through the painted desert" by Donald Miller. If you haven't read it, i recommended. Well, personally, i really like it. So, i assumed you should like it as It's about the leaving for a new journey of 2 guys. And Donald wrote about the "why" and the "how" of life pretty deep, yet easy to understand. Also, at the end the answer of "why" is really clear. It's a beautiful book, Bryce...and it suits your thoughtful and practical personality. lol If you love nature, travel and spirituality, it's the book you shouldn't miss! Anyway, beautiful pictures!
What about those people that have been stretched to the point of no longer caring...of feeling like they have no desire to continue living?
I dont mean those that decide to end life in a rash attempt to find a state void of pain...I'm thinking of those that suffer slowly, by loss (loss of dream, loss of loved one, loss of hope, ect.) but somehow find the will (or desire?) to go on living or to try one more time.
How would such a thing fit into your thought..?
And beaches are made out of trillions of tiny pearls Bryce, not fish poo!
who told you such an absurdity...
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