Monday, April 21, 2008


to be read quickly, aloud with intensity.

Come away
with me, lets go
adventure awaits
God is coming
to journey with us
to be filled with joy
and answer His call.

Take care
take care to hear
don't miss it
don't sleep through it
wake, wake up
He is here, now
come, come away.

Enter the gates
into His citadel
lets go now, today
fly and leap together
into His presence.
Away from this mirth
through the gates
into His embrace.

We are going now
up to His house
do not stay
do not stray
He is coming
and we are going
let us fly away.

Come now, go now
away to that place
don't forget where
you are going
and where you came.
Go now to His place
now to His presence.

Don't look, not away
keep your focus
keep your fervor
follow in trust
look on in earnest
never forget where
you go, and came from
go now, follow now.

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